Re-Posting this to let everyone know that Rayos X and Generacion Suicida will be going on a short West Coast tour in late September. If you're anywhere near any of the stops be sure to check it out because both bands are amazing!
September 22- Sacramento @ Axewave Manor
September 23- Eugene @ Haus Show
September 24- Portland @ Blackwater Records
September 25- Olympia @ Basement show
September 26- Seattle @ FBK Haus
September 28- Portland- Live at KBOO Radio
September 30- Oakland @ The Swamp
October 1- San Francisco @ El Rio
Rayos X will have a small amount of test presses of their new "Soledad" Lp on this tour and a lot of other merch. Buy some shit!
For more info e-mail
Haven't heard Generacion Suicida yet? Download the amazing demo here:
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Lakra - First Demo

I didn't even think I had this! I was going through some old cd-r's looking for the La Grita 7" I recorded but ended up finding this. Lakra used to be known as Assault but when vocalist Randy quit the rest of the band changed the name as well as the musical style and decided to have all the songs sung in spanish. They became a whole new band only keeping 1 or 2 Assault songs. They recently started playing a few more gigs after not doing anything for about a year. They've got newer recordings but I still haven't gotten them cos Tubby is lagging it! This reminds of the early @patia No recordings. The vocals are almost spoken and sorta shouted. We've been trying to talk Vicious Threat into getting back together to record for a split 7" with Lakra but no one ever seems to be free at the same time as everyone else. It will hopefully eventually happen though.
Masacre - No Se Rajen

Don't know too much about this band either other than it's got one guy from La Grita. But this is fucking great! Is it power violence? Thrash? Grind? It's fucking got all of it! They were supposed to come down here with La Grita a while back but for one reason or another they didn't end up coming which was a major disappointment because I was really excited about seeing them. Does anyone have any other recordings from them?? Hook it up!
Fronterrorismo - 7"

Fronterrorizmo was a band made up of members from both Texas and Cali. The band was made up of members from bands like Vicio, Aztlan Underground, Kontraattaque, Esperanza, Tragatelo and a butt load more. They appeared on a few compilations and also put out this one 7" that is somehow still available if you take the time to look for it. They stopped playing shows when the Texan half went back home but got back together to play Latino Fest '08. Their reunion didn't really get all that much attention cos everyone was only focusing on Los Crudos playing. I found that really annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love Los Crudos but fuck man the show was not about them! Latino Fest turned into the Crudos show and nothing else for a lot of people. It was very discouraging and irritating to see that Heric, Sal and the rest of the crew worked so damn hard to set up an amazing fest with dozens of amazing bands and have it all be over shadowed by one band. I was as stoked as anyone to see Los Crudos play but I was just as stoked to be able to see Bruise Violet, Outraged, Control De Estado, Maladie, Bosque, Venganza, Liberate!, Hit Me Back, Iconoclast(!), NxN, Mugre, Huasipungo, Sin Orden, Final Draft, La Grita, Adelit@s, plus more all in the same weekend! Oh well, you all missed out!
Have a listen to what you missed!
Cream Soda - Some Of It

Cream Soda. Haha funny name. Like it says on the picture. Fast Core. They don't sound too fast to me but they still fucking own! Don't know all that much about them other than they broke up after vocalist Oscar moved away and Alvin from AxAxSx eventually ended up in this band. This has their first demo, a live set and what was supposed to be their 7". Andres from Bastardass was supposed to release it but both master copies of the cd (maybe with a better mix?) were lost somehow. One by Alvin and one by Sergio from ACxDC. Way to fucking rob the world from what would have been an awesome 7" guys! It all ended in the summer of '06 but should Oscar ever visit one more show is a must!
Mundo Muerto - MLP

Mundo Muerto features old man Gus who used to sing in Mala Sangre before they disappeared a few years ago. Mundo Muerto have been all over the place these past few years though. They've released a 7", this mini lp and are getting ready to release a full length lp sometime soon on Gus' Mata La Musika label. They've been on a few tours as well all over the US. This is pretty similar to some of the bands that popped up out of the Silenzio Statico group like Poliskitzo and Rayos X. I'm not saying they sound exactly like them but I can see some similarities.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Adelit@s - Everything

Adelit@s from PDX were a pleasant surprise when they played down here in LA for the first time. After the show my friends and I stayed outside with them talking for a really long time and these were some of the nicest people I have ever met! Seriously, I cannot believe just how down to earth they were. I really ended up missing them after they left, luckily I got to see them a bit longer when they stopped by my house for directions to the next show so we hung out a bit more. They've come back down a few more times to play both Latino Fest and Clit Fest. They're gonna be out on tour again this summer with a new LP coming out so be sure to check them out when they roll by your area. I can't wait to see them again!
For updates on their tour check
Download Links:
Demo -
Guerrilla Armadas Con Melodias CD -
Un Solo Grito 7" -
Sin Orden - Brutalidad Juvenil

Fist Sin Orden 7" on Lengua Armada. The recordings are a bit more harsher than anything else Sin Orden ever did. This was released back in 2000, I can't believe these guys have been around for so damn long! Although they did break up for a while and during that time Carlos was in another band called Reaccion which from what I've read was a straight edge band. I'll post up the Reaccion stuff right under the link for the Sin Orden 7" here. This 7" covers a variety of subjects which include gangs, peer pressure and religion amongst other things. Took me a while to actually get my hands on a copy of this but well worth the wait.
Brutalidad Juvenil -
Reaccion -
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Vagrants - 4 Song Demo

The Vagrants who eventually changed their name to Vakraant, were a D-Beat influenced punk band from South Central. This was Tony and Kaye's band before they went on to start the almighty Rayos X. The Vagrants could be seen at any given backyard on any given weekend. They were always down to hit up any show around the hood. I'm not sure what demo or tape these songs were used in but it's 4 tracks. Check it!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
LA's Moral Decay

LA's Moral Decay was another local band that was around at the same time as Total Disorder and S.C.R.S. I'm not exactly sure what year they broke up in but after the band Jose went on to sing in Peligro Social and Ruleta Rusa while Eddie plays in Poliskitzo. This contains 2 releases, "Die For Nothing" and "Youth On The Streets". LA's Moral Decay aren't exactly remembered for their releases though, they're remembered for all the crazy sets played in backyards and small venues. They recently did a few reunion shows that I had to miss because of work but from the pictures and videos that I've seen, they were packed up the ass and incredibly wild! The picture on the left is from one of those shows and it seems like no mic was even needed since the crowd already knew all the words!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Total Disorder - Condenados A Luchar

First off, I'd like to dedicate this post to the memory of Erwin Infante who sadly passed away last month in an accident. I know we didn't kick it all that much or even know each other too well, but right from the moment we met, you were cool as shit to me and super nice. It almost seemed as if we went way back. R.I.P.

Total Disorder was a street punk band from South Central that Erwin played guitar for. They mainly played backyard shows and were around at the time when the South Central backyard scene was at it's highest point with bands like LA's Moral Decay, All Out Attak, SCRS amongst many more. Total Disorder always stuck out and as cheesy as it sounds have now reached a semi legendary status around here. They are among a handful of bands that have been long gone but never forgotten in the backyard scene. I never got to see them play but man the stories I've heard and the way people speak so highly of them as one of those memorable bands really makes me wish that the reunion Erwin was trying to make happen had actually happened. I know that some people on here won't 'get' it and maybe see this band as just another street punk band but that's not the case over here in LA. They were a big part of our scene and one of those bands you looked up to. You just don't even know....
Descarados - Demo

Sick lagging it, yeah, I know. I don't get to upload stuff as often as I would like to. But let's get back into it with the Descarados demo that Ray was cool enough to hook me up with to share here (thanks again!). This is their demo tape from 2002, it's five songs and most of them were later re-recorded and released on the one sided 12". This is a bit scruffier than their other recordings mostly because I think these are home recordings. Either way, this is just as good as everything else!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Kontraattaque - Discography

Kontraattaque were an LA Hardcore band with a grind influence that existed from 1997-2002. Like a lot of other bands on this blog, they are criminally underrated, even here in LA. Kontraattaque were pretty blunt with their lyrics as well as the other writings on their records. A lot of bands try to sugar coat their distrust and anger towards white america so as not to offend anyone but not these guys. They never held back. Why should they? Why should any person of color not speak out against unjust actions being taken against us? Why the fuck should we stay quiet when shit like Prop 187, HR 4437 and Arizona's SB 1070 gets major support from ignorant people that are descendants of immigrants themselves? You fucking swear your Anglo ancestors are native to this land. They're not even native to this continent!
I remember when I first came across the first Kontraataque 7" at a record store and reading the back cover, afterward I knew I had to have this 7". This band blew me away instantly! If you like your Hardcore to have meaning, passion and to be angry as fuck, you need this! Below is the statement from that record:
(English) ...Until when will we continue to believe in this "gringo" dream?..Yeah, "gringo"! why the "American dream"? In case you haven't noticed, the American continent expands from Canada to Chile. Why do the people from the United States call themselves "American" exclusively? What about the rest of us? do we not count? Do we not exist? Aren't we, the descendants of the indigenous people whom really belong to these lands? Who robbed whom? After generations and generations, the majority of us still struggle day after day just to survive in this country... To be able to own a house, have transportation, food and clothing(comfortably) doesn't mean you've gained "status" or that you've accomplished the so-called "Dream" that everyone here talks about. That is simply living! That should be a right for every human being!!! How many hours of bad pay, sweat and in occasions even labor abuse does our transportation, clothing, houses, and food equate to? Ask us what it feels like to work from eight to twelve hours daily, get home late, exhausted, eat ,go to sleep early to wake up and get up before the sun is out, then to repeat the cycle... perhaps this is you? or your parents or family members, just like ours... supposedly, they did it for us, now watch us... doing it for ours. "Till we educate ourselves about the myth of this country, this false dream that we so much try to accomplish, about the injustices that we still face, about the tragedies and the struggles that we still go through, then we will have taken the first step towards the struggle for human dignity in this country. "MADE IN THE U.S.A." means made from the blood and sweat of the working class... Now, any questions about why KONTRAATTAQUE emerged?
(Español) ...Hasta cuando lo del "Sueño" gringo?...Si, "gringo!" Por que razon el "Sueño Americano" si el continente de America avarca desde Canada hasta Chile? Por que los Estado-Unidenses se toman el derecho de llamarse "Americanos" exclusivamente? Y el resto de nosotros que? A caso no existimos? A caso no contamos? A caso no somos nosotros, los decendientes de la raza indigena, quien realmente somos de estas tierras? quien le robo a quien? Despues de generaciones tras generaciones, muchos de nosotros haun luchamos dia tras dia solo para poder sobrevivir en este pais... Llegar a tener casa, transporte, comida y ropa en este pais(comodamente) no es tener "estatus" o haber realisado el "sueño" del que todos hablan. Eso es vivir! Eso deve de ser un derecho para cada ser humano!!! Ha cuantas horas de mal-pago, sudor y en ocasiones hasta horas de maltratos equivale nuestro transporte, nuestra ropa, nuestras casas, y nuestra comida? Preguntenos a nosotros que se siente trabajar de ocho a doce horas diarias, llegar a casa tarde y agotado, comer, acostarce temprano para despertarnos y leventarnos de madrugada para seguir el ciclo otra vez... o a la mejor, lo mismo haces tu, o tus padres y familiares como lo hacen todavia los nuestros... segun lo hacian por nosotros, pues mirenos a nosotros... haciendolo por los nuestros. Hasta que nos eduquemos unos con otros del mito de este pais, del sueo falso que tanto buscamos, de las injusticias que aguantamos, de las tragedias y las luchas que pasamos, entonces realmente daremos el primer paso hacia una verdadera lucha por la dignidad humana en este pais. "MADE IN THE USA" quiere decir hecho de sangre y sudor de clase obrera...Ahora, hay preguntas de porque surge KONTRAATTAQUE?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Descarados - El Canto De Los Humildes

This is the long awaited follow up to their brilliant one sided 12 inch that came out a while back. I would definitely be surprised if more than 6 of you care about this band, I simply don't understand why they aren't as "big" as Sin Orden or Tragatelo. This came out around December or so and pretty much went by unnoticed. Maybe it's because it's really hard to come by or because people still haven't heard of them. Who knows. All I know is I love this record! Well worth the wait in my opinion. This record is still in print so if you like it, buy it!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
No Defeat - Demo

No Defeat is pretty much the same band as W.A.R.S. but with no real guitarist. Dirk stepped in to record the songs on this demo but is not a permanent member. This band had a pretty different line up initially and had Lalo (also from Kontaattaque) on vocals and Ray from Mugre on guitar while Sal was on drums instead of vocals like he is on these recordings. That line up had a fall out and sadly the first demo they recorded (the one with Lalo on vocals) was never released. Which sucks because the songs I heard from it were really good! This has the same songs but with the new line up. This band has yet to play a live show for some reason.
I Abhor - Demo

This demo is the shit! Fucking Grind! I Abhor record as a 2 piece but play live as a 4 piece for some reason. Aside from this demo they have a split with Wormrot out and a couple of other splits coming out sometime soon on a bunch of labels. Keep an eye out for them!
W.A.R.S. - Demo

This is a new band featuring Heric and Dirk from Kontraattaque, Sal from Mugre and Jorge from Ruido. Pissed off thrash core from pissed off Hardcore vets. I'm not sure if the band is still active and as far as I know they've only played one show, which was an awesome backyard show up til the cops raided it. Hopefully they start playing again sometime soon.
Chicano Christ - S/T 7"

Chicano Christ. They recorded and mixed this record in 6 hours and it kinda shows haha. This isn't exactly all that relevant of a record but it's still pretty cool to listen to from time to time. My only complaint is all the Brujeria hate on this haha.
Fieldtrip! - Demo '10

The final recording put out by Fieldtrip! They gave me a copy of it a few months ago at a Sin Orden show and I was floored by it! They've definitely changed their sound up a bit as well as the lyrical style. Moses seems to be going into deeper thought when he writes them. Still really good and still a band I back 100%! Go Records put out their split tape with Hoy Pinoy which was pretty much a collection tape for both bands.
Fieldtrip! broke up after a falling out between some of the members and that honestly bums me out to this day. Not because the band is dead but because life gets in the way and comes in between what you may think is a strong friendship.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tuberculosis - Disfrandose 7"

What hasn't already been said about this band? Great energetic hardcore featuring members of Hit Me Back, Resist and Exist and the Beatings. This South Central unit has been up and down the West Coast and have left people talking about them for weeks afterward. I'm pretty sure almost everyone has this already, I'm just uploading it for the poor saps that don't!
Outraged - Todo Hasta El Momento

Outraged from Watsonville Ca. were a pleasant surprise at a Chuco's Justice Center show when they came down with Boom Boom Kid. I had heard their name thrown around here and there but had never heard them. They killed it that night at the show! I felt like an idiot for having not heard their stuff sooner but better late than never. They've since broken up, like every other good band does. But Jose went on to form the almighty In Disgust (who have already too broken up) a little before the band broke up.
Mugre - S/T 7"

This is the first Mugre 7" that came out in '06 on Collapse records. I remember going to Chuco's Justice Center almost every other weekend for the shows and Mugre were among my favorite to watch! I first saw them play with Caustic Christ at the Long Beach Warehouse in '05 and was devastated when they announced during their set at a Coke Bust show at the new CJC that that night would be their last show. Everyone thought they were joking and heckled them after the announcement but sure enough, they were serious. I still bug Sal for a 'real' last show whenever I see him. I won't stop until we get one!
Arma Contra Arma - Let No One Deceive You

Arma Contra Arma were a band from Chicago with members of Crudos. This 7" came out in 1997 on Lengua Armada. They were briefly shown in Martin Crudo's "Beyond The Screams" documentary. Their style is similar to that of Kontraattaque's which is never a bad thing.
Harto - Demo Tape

Harto was a short lived band that consisted of Martin Crudo, Heric from Kontraattque, Danny from Hit Me Back and someone I haven't been able to identify yet. Now the quality isn't all that great but it's the best I could find. I couldn't find the cover for it so I uploaded some pictures that Donofthedead took. This is pretty much what you would expect from any band with Martin in it. Punishing hardcore about shit that doesn't sit well with him.
Maladie - S/T LP

I don't know too much about this band other than that they're from TJ and tore it up at the LA Latino Fest back in '08. Some friends and I got to have a few words with them and they were very friendly people and they seemed very excited to be playing the show. They sound a bit like Kakistocracy and of course Tragedy. I know that shit has been done to death but these guys at least make it a little different.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Field Trip! - Chuff Crew Bitch!

This has to be one of my favorite bands of all time! Super positive hardcore by super nice guys. A little similar to Hit Me Back but not so much. I can't even begin describing how awesome everyone in this band is. This is their second demo which to me is a classic!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Descarados - S/T 12"

Descarados is a side project featuring members of Sin Orden, Mugre and Tragatelo. So far they've put out a demo and this one sided 12". Only 7 songs but the b-side is etched with a pretty cool picture. This was put out by Emma Navajas Discos and the covers were hand screened by the Silenzio Statico collective. This sounds almost nothing like the other bands the members play in which is a good thing cos why start another band when it's gonna sound just like the one you're already in? This isn't as fast or as "hard" but the message is just as urgent. The songs on this are also more personal. But fuck it man we're all human!
Jutro - Demo Tape
Stapled Shut - Resin Heaven Demo

Stapled Shut was one of the most overlooked PV bands on the West Coast. They had one 7", and splits with Despise You and Lack of Interest plus appeared on a few comps as well. They even played one of the Fiesta Grande shows. Why this band isn't all that 'big' is beyond me! They sound similar to DY although I think they started up before DY. Features members of Excruciating Terror (!) and Despise You (recording line up, not the current live one). This is one of the few demos they have floating around and I think this was the last one they did before breaking up. They got back together sometime last year, I think it was March. Word is they're getting ready to hit the studio again!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Fuerza X - California Tour '01 Tape

Fuerza X!!! I fucking love that name! Straight Edge band from Guatemala. If you haven't already guessed it from the title yet, this is a tape that they came out with when they came down to California in '01. They didn't release much apart from this. They recorded another demo when they were down here and had songs on a handful on comps. They got back together for a reunion show a while back over in Guatemala and from what I heard, it was a rager! Get this shit!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Ruido - Ruidografia

Alright, so this here is a pretty big file. It's got about 80 songs. This is pretty much a complete discography from this LA hardcore band. Ruido covered just about every topic any angry band could. Anything from political issues to personal issues. They played some pretty cool shows around here but unfortunately no real final show or anything. I swear man one of these days we have to get all these bands that never gave us a final show to give us one more show to celebrate their contribution to the scene.
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