This is the long awaited follow up to their brilliant one sided 12 inch that came out a while back. I would definitely be surprised if more than 6 of you care about this band, I simply don't understand why they aren't as "big" as Sin Orden or Tragatelo. This came out around December or so and pretty much went by unnoticed. Maybe it's because it's really hard to come by or because people still haven't heard of them. Who knows. All I know is I love this record! Well worth the wait in my opinion. This record is still in print so if you like it, buy it!
No Defeat is pretty much the same band as W.A.R.S. but with no real guitarist. Dirk stepped in to record the songs on this demo but is not a permanent member. This band had a pretty different line up initially and had Lalo (also from Kontaattaque) on vocals and Ray from Mugre on guitar while Sal was on drums instead of vocals like he is on these recordings. That line up had a fall out and sadly the first demo they recorded (the one with Lalo on vocals) was never released. Which sucks because the songs I heard from it were really good! This has the same songs but with the new line up. This band has yet to play a live show for some reason.
This demo is the shit! Fucking Grind! I Abhor record as a 2 piece but play live as a 4 piece for some reason. Aside from this demo they have a split with Wormrot out and a couple of other splits coming out sometime soon on a bunch of labels. Keep an eye out for them!
This is a new band featuring Heric and Dirk from Kontraattaque, Sal from Mugre and Jorge from Ruido. Pissed off thrash core from pissed off Hardcore vets. I'm not sure if the band is still active and as far as I know they've only played one show, which was an awesome backyard show up til the cops raided it. Hopefully they start playing again sometime soon.
Chicano Christ. They recorded and mixed this record in 6 hours and it kinda shows haha. This isn't exactly all that relevant of a record but it's still pretty cool to listen to from time to time. My only complaint is all the Brujeria hate on this haha.
The final recording put out by Fieldtrip! They gave me a copy of it a few months ago at a Sin Orden show and I was floored by it! They've definitely changed their sound up a bit as well as the lyrical style. Moses seems to be going into deeper thought when he writes them. Still really good and still a band I back 100%! Go Records put out their split tape with Hoy Pinoy which was pretty much a collection tape for both bands. Fieldtrip! broke up after a falling out between some of the members and that honestly bums me out to this day. Not because the band is dead but because life gets in the way and comes in between what you may think is a strong friendship.